Psychological Association of Manitoba

The Psychological Association of Manitoba (PAM) is the provincial regulatory body for the practice of Psychology in the province of Manitoba and is legally constituted to register or certify psychologists to help ensure the safe, ethical practice of psychology in the province.

Registration Categories and Titles:

PAM registers the following members:
Psychologist (C.Psych)
Psychological Associate (Independent Practice)
Psychologist Candidate
Psychological Associate Candidate

Only Psychologists and Psychological Associates (Independent Practice) may practice independently. Other Associates and Candidates must practice under the supervision of a Registered Psychologist.

Verify a Member:

To verify a member, click on the REGISTRANT SEARCH box to the right of this page.

Finding a Psychologist:

As a regulatory body, PAM is unable to refer or recommend psychologists to the public. The Manitoba Psychological Society is the professional body for Manitoba Psychologists; their membership directory is available here.